Making A Successful Team

None of us is as able as ALL of us

We no longer live in a world where teams work in the same room, under the same roof, or even in the same city or country. Today’s teams are dispersed, diverse, online, and constantly growing with new members.
I work with a large team whose members are spread out all over the world. I’ve been fortunate enough to continually work with some of the most brilliant minds and compassionate hearts you’ll ever meet. Our team speaks multiple languages, comes from massively different backgrounds, holds wildly distinct areas of expertise, and has developed exceptionally cohesive talents.
It’s an excellent team. But, don’t get me wrong, building a successful, effective, working team is a challenge. And that’s why I enjoy it so much! And without using these principles, it would be impossible for our team to move the mountains that must be moved….
#1 – What I Can’t Do, We Absolutely Can
Michael Jordan said, “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win you championships.” When we all work in unison, selflessly, in the same direction, with one goal, then we’re guaranteed to achieve results beyond the limitations of just our self. Working as a team takes teamwork. None of us is as able as all of us.
That’s why everyone on our team works for the betterment of the organization (the team). I can’t sing, but I know a good choir when I hear one. And when choir members sing in harmony, they produce a glorious melody that cannot be produced from a solo. Our intentional synergy brings great results. And without a doubt, if the team falls apart, the result is catastrophe. Together Everyone Achieves More (T.E.A.M) is a great way to remember this.
#2 – Job Role Clarity
It is imperative that each member of the team knows what is expected of them. Wherever there is clarity, there is simplicity, focus, and direction. Lack of clarity is often the root cause of chaos and frustration among team members. Anyone going by blind impulse ends up being a vagabond, just wandering around, never really getting anywhere.
Job clarity provides role responsibility and accountability. It reduces expending energy into unnecessary politics, drama, and blame gaming. It also promotes innovation, motivation, and forward career progression, which in turn aides in employee retention and the further building of a strong, loyal, successful team.
#3 – Many Members, One Body
The human body is the perfect illustration. Though there are many members (parts) and systems (skeletal, circulatory, nervous, etc.) in the human body, together they create one working machine (team). All the members seem independent, yet are interdependent in multiple ways. Each member goes about doing its work without disturbing the work of others, in fact coordinating, contributing and complimenting one another. It’s perfect synergy.
Every part has its own place, purpose and priority without schism or competition. When there is clarity of purpose, cohesiveness, and unity in the team, there is definitely going to be consistent growth and development.
In a body some parts are seen, some unseen, some small, some big, yet each part is indispensable and the absence of any is a handicap. So in a team, every member must feel indispensable and recognized for their unique contributions to the team.
In a team where there is no breach of effort, there will never be absolute failure, only strengthening and learning. And there will always be a pitch perfect shout for joy at every victory.
#4  – Communication
Good communication is the tactical bridge between confusion and clarity. It is the “Sine qua non” for any strong organization if they want to deliver lasting results. Open communication in a team leads to understanding, valuing each other, and measured results. It is symbiotic, in that it benefits everyone involved creating multiplied wins.
Effective communication reduces the chances of conflicts and enhances togetherness within the team. Good communication isn’t just eloquence in speech. In fact, that has very little to do with it. The most essential factor is active listening. That means putting yourself aside and truly listening with everything fiber of your being. We have two ears and one mouth. A good communications rule is to Keep The Same Ratio In Conversation. Listen twice as much as you speak.
Warning: Some things we don’t listen to or allow on our team is talking about a person in their absence. All gossip has to be discouraged. It only brings conflict and breaks trust, consequently crushing the team’s strength. It’s not always the task that destroy’s a team’s productivity and progress. It’s the strained relationships and communication gaps  that kills it.
#5 – Leading From the Front
Great teams are built. They are not available ready-made or off the shelf. A good leader is one who draws the best out of each member on the team, close enough to relate and far enough to motivate.
Countless successful companies have been built, great teams created, dreams realized, with one charismatic visionary who set personal high standards and was willing to sacrifice to achieve victory. These people inspire team members to rise above their own limitations by virtue of their leader’s disposition, rather than their position. I absolutely believe every team needs leaders who are willing to take the blame – as well as share the laurels – in the process of becoming a successful.
#6 – Equip
To set even the most valiant man at the forefront of the battle without a sword brings certain defeat. Your team must be given the training, tools, resources and guidance necessary to achieve your objectives. There must be great investment of both time, energy, and finances to build a team that’s able to produce consistent results. As you open the doors of opportunity, never fail to equip your team to walk through those doors. Henry Ford said, “The only thing worse than training employees and having them leave is not training them and have them stay.”
#7- Democracy in Decision Making
In a multitude of counselors there is safety. Every member of our team is diverse and brings a different point of view to the table. Different perspectives compared and combined enable us to judge better and make the best decisions. What one person might miss upon, another might hit upon, and together they become depended upon. What one or two may not see, another may be able to discern. Democracy reigns over despotism every time and in every circumstance. Leaders need to realize the limitations of oneness and limitlessness of everyone. In an effective, fearless team, everyone must be encouraged to express their views and taken into account while making a decision.


Mr. Coggiola has more than 30 years of experience in a variety of areas and businesses including; technology, healthcare, sustainable farming, non-profits and government focused organizations.